Saturday 22 June 2013

School Holiday Program, Birds in Backyards.

Calling all Junior landcarers 
aged 2-16 years. 

Join in our 'Birds in Backyards' school holiday session. Monday 1st July, arrive anytime  between 10am-2pm. At Angus & Rose, The Briars, Nepean Highway, Mt.Martha.

Make a bird seed germinator,decorate it as a bird, fill with seeds, take them home & watch them  grow. Learn how to plant in your 
garden to attract birds into your 
own backyard.

$10 per child includes all materials for planting activity, a coloured 'Birds in Backyards' poster 
and participation in the story 'Wetland Birds' (read every 1/2 hr).

Finish off with a 15 minute self guided wetlands wander along the boardwalk to discover the many wetlands birds who are visiting or call 'The Briars' home. Watch out for Edward the emu 
along the way! May wish to BYO binoculars.

Enquiries call Narelle on 
0431791379 or rsvp 'coming' via Natured Kids Facebook page. 
No need to book, can pay on day.

Great coffee available onsite during your outdoor adventures at Angus and Rose.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Satin Bowerbird

Look what we found today on our outdoor adventures to Moonlit Sanctuary .....

.....a male Satin Bowerbird,
Ptilonorhynchus violaceus.

We discovered that the dark glossy-blue male Satin Bowerbird attracts potential mates by building a bower of twigs and grass. He decorates the bower with blue and yellow objects - feathers, shells, glass, berries and uses them to display to females.
Female Satin Bowerbirds that are attracted by this will mate with the male, then fly off and build a separate nest in which to lay their eggs.
The male does not help in the incubation or raising of the young.

If you would like to learn more about this cheeky feathered friend,go to:


*Information courtesy Museum Vic
*Photograph taken by Narelle 